• Laker Movie Night Fun

    A big thank you to our PAC for all of their work with the Thursday Family Night Movie!
    It was a great success with about 70 people attending!

  • 5,4,3,2,1 Launch

    It was a great Thursday afternoon to see what some of our students and their parents created for the catapult and trebuchet event.
    Participants were Eli Braun, Mr. Koop, Feldmann, Stadler, Straub, Keizer, Jung, Beattie and the Rivers-Bowerman families.

  • Pumpkin-Chuckin

    It looks like the weather is going to cooperate for our pumpkin-chuckin event this afternoon. It will begin at about 1:00pm on the soccer field.

  • An Amazing Halloween Day

    It was great to see so many parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents at our costume parade and Halloween activities today!
    A big thank you to Ms. Hicks and her grade 6 class for setting up an amazing haunted house!