• Does this belong to you?

    We have an abundance of coats, gloves, and hoodies that have not been claimed. Please take a look.

  • PJ Day on Friday, Dec. 17th

    We are looking forward to some carolling, pizza, and pj’s this Friday. It will be the last day of school before the holidays. We will return on Tuesday, Jan. 4th.
    Merry Christmas and have a wonderful break!

  • Christmas Spirit Day

    We had a lot of fun dressing up in our Christmas wear on Friday, Dec. 10th.

  • Christmas Carolling with Mrs. Coles

    Thank you Mrs. Coles for coming and sharing your love of music. We had some classes join us in the gym and some by zoom. It was so nice to hear some Christmas music.

  • One Full Shopping Cart – Great Job Lakers!

    Thank you for the donations for the women’s shelter. It is awesome to already have one full cart of goods and pj’s. We will continue to collect until Dec. 15th.