• Happy Thanksgiving!

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend and remember that there is no school on Monday!

  • Open House today October 4th 6-7pm

    Please join us at the open house from 6:00-7:00pm tonight.  Come and meet your child/ren’s teacher(s) and see the classrooms. Your children will stay with you and show you around their classroom.
    Just a reminder that the teachers will not be answering questions about how their child is doing.

  • Community Build Playground- Thank You PAC!

    It was amazing how an awesome group of parents worked 10-12 hours a day and completed the five day project in only three days! We are so excited to have this new playground. Thank you PAC and the families who helped to build our playground.

  • Charlie Lake Firefighters Help to Cool us Down

    A big thank you to the Charlie Lake Firefighters who came to the school this afternoon. The students had so much fun getting wet. Here is just a few photos of the afternoon. Thank you to the primary teachers for organizing so much fun for our primary crew!

  • Neon Lights Grade Six Farewell

    We had a wonderful evening of fun with the grade 6 students and their families. A big thank you to the parents who helped to decorate, to donate, and to support this fantastic evening. It turned out to be a great night.