• Change to Hot Lunches!!

    Hot lunch order forms are now being done online!
    Information has been sent home, so please ask your child for it.
    The website link for this is : lakers.hotlunches.net . Payment can be made by credit card through paypal,

  • 2013 PAC Spring Fundraiser

    PAC is happy to announce our Spring Fundraiser!
    It is a plant fundraiser from Devry (the same company that we used for our Pointsettia fundraiser)
    Order forms have gone out to students, and are due back to the school on May 13th 2013.

  • Our New Kitchen is Complete!!!

    Wow! We are all excited! The new school kitchen is finished. After many years of discussion and design, we are ready to use the new facilities. Thanks to the school district for making that possible with many man hours of labour.

  • Annual Meet ‘n’ Greet September 17th 2012

    Please come and join us at the school for our annual
    Charlie Lake Elementary
    Meet ‘n’ Greet!
    The evening begins at 5pm with free Chili, Buns, and Desserts served in the gym.

  • Family Dance!

    It’s that time of year again. Time to Dance!
    Please come and join us in the gym for an evening of music and dancing!
    This is a night to let our students show off the dancing skills they have
    learned from Angie Pomeroy!

  • PAC webpages

    The PAC pages have recently been updated.  Please check out the PAC link on the sidebar for more information.
    Find out who is on the PAC executive and how to contact them. 

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to the Charlie Lake Elementary site! At the right of the page there are several links for common information about out school.
    On the right hand side there are announcements from our general school community,