Weekly Update number two

A ‘Wall of Good Deeds’ has been started at the school. Here’s how it works: 1)When someone does a good deed for you, tell your leadership representative. 2) Together you will fill out an award for that person and put it up on the ‘Wall’. 3) Then you do a good deed for someone else. 4) Awards for good deeds will be given out at the end of November.

For the month of November, we will be conducting a ‘Cleanest Classroom’ contest. Here’s how it works : 1) Classes will be evaluated by Leadership Students daily. 2) A class will be awarded with a trophy and a prize at the end of November.

Please remember that it is getting colder as we get farther into the winter months and to dress accordingly/ bring warm outside clothing.

Bowling starts this Thursday, November 18th and will go until February 10th 2011. Bowling will be every Thursday, from 3pm until 4:30pm. Please check your child’s schedule to make sure which day they bowl.

Mrs. Myhre’s class will be hosting a Bake Sale on Friday November 19th in cooperation with the Women’s Resource Society  to raise money Sponsor a local single parent family for Christmas. The students will be going classroom to classroom to sell their wares before recess.  We would like to commend the thoughtfulness of one student in Mrs. Myhre’s class for coming up with this idea on their own and bringing it to the class’ attention. It is possible for more people to sponsor a local family for Christmas, simply by contacting the Women’s resource society.