Values Assemblies Schedule 2016-17

Please find below the link to our values assemblies this year; each class will present at an assembly about a different value.  Assemblies are scheduled for 9:00 am on the dates listed.  All parents are welcome!

Values Assemblies

HonestySept. 19Hicks
CompassionOct.  3McCabe
Oct. 17Lo
Remembrance Day AssemblyNov. 10Bauer
PerseveranceNov. 14Ranger
ResponsibilityDec. 12Koop
FairnessJan. 16McColm
TrustworthinessFeb 6Coccola
Feb 20Alexander
SportsmanshipMar 6Myhre
April 10Riediger
Self-controlApril 24Polnik
May 1Tong
CitizenshipMay 15Hollman
May 31Dressler
RespectJune 12Jones/Stirling
June 19Haddrell