Laker News April 14-17 & Supply Pick-up Process

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Dear Families,

Attached is the letter for the Supply pick-up process and here is the schedule by the last name. Please read the letter for process details.

Supply Pick-up Schedule – April 14-17

Tuesday, April 14

9:45-10:30 A

10:30-11:30 B

11:30-12:00 C

12:00-1:00 D, E, F

1:00-2:00 G

2:00-3:30 H

Wednesday, April 15

9:00-10:00 I, J, K

10:00-11:30 L, M

11:30 – 12:30 N, O, P, Q

12:30-1:30 R

1:30-3:00 S

Thursday, April 16th

9:00-10:00 T, U, V

10:00-11:30 W, X, Y, Z