The school office will be open for registrations on Monday, August 31st, from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.
The first day of school for Grades 1 to 6 is Tuesday, September 8th. School begins at 8:40 am. Students will be dismissed at 10:51 am. Students will not return to last year’s teacher on the first day. The new class lists will be in draft form for the first week, there may be some changes throughout the week. More details will follow, about the procedures for the first day of school in the last week of August. Attached is the year-end newsletter.
Kindergarten students have a transition visit (afternoon or morning) prior to the first full day of Kindergarten. Parents will be notified of the visit times in the last week of August. The first full day of Kindergarten is Thursday, September 17th.
School Supplies can be purchased online through School Start. Supply lists can also be found on our website. Any questions about ordering school supplies please contact School Start.
June 2020 Laker Year-end Newsletter –