The Charlie Lake Drama Club under the direction of Terry Boyle successfully presented “A Christmas Carol” on Fri. Dec. 11 and Sat. Dec 12. Students from Grades 1-7 were involved in this production and spent many hours preparing for their debut. We hope you were able to take in the show.
Special thank you’s to Terry Boyle, Tamara Volz, Shannon Brash, Wendy Basisty, Wanda Laliberte, Sara Kurjata, Kim Shaw, Mrs. Yorke, and Mr. Bourcet for all of the time and energy they put into this program. Our students are fortunate to have had this opportunity and we look forward to a possible Spring Producation.
Terry would also like to thank the teachers for their patience and support during the rehearsal phase of this production and parents for encouraging their children to participate and to accommodate busy lives to fit in practices.