Important School Dates for September/October:
Monday, August 28th: School Office will be open New Student Registration and Kindergarten Registration if you have not done so yet.
Tuesday, September 5th: First day of school for grades 1-6.
Month: June 2017
Year End Newsletter 2017
Report Cards
Report cards will be distributed to students at the end of the school day this morning at 11:45 am. Should your child not be here, please stop by the office either today at the end of the day or tomorrow to pick up your child’s report card.
New Kindergarten Students 2017-18
Any parents wishing to have further information about Kindergarten are encouraged to click on our link on this website called “Kindergarten Updates 2017-18”. You will find information about start-up in September as well as information for online ordering of student school supplies.
Values Assembly June 19th at 9 am
Just a reminder to all parents that our last values assembly of the year will take place on Monday morning, June 19th. Mr. Haddrell’s class will be presenting. In addition to this, there will also be presentations to our peer leaders as well as acknowledgement of our track and field team.
Parent Volunteer Tea Invitation-June 21, 2017
Please find the link below for the parent volunteer tea on June 21, 2017. Any parent who has supported the school is welcome to attend. Copies will be sent out this afternoon in paper format in our efforts to ensure that everyone who has volunteered gets an invite.
June 2017 Newsletter
Check Out the New “School Supplies 2017-18” Page
Please click on the tab on our website to access the 2017-18 school supply lists.
Kid Check Goes Digital on Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Parents are still encouraged to call the school when their child is absent. Please take a moment to read the June newsletter that was sent home this week. Our Kid Check system will change from phone calls home from the office to a Kid Check email to parents.
Plastic Bag Challenge — Last Day Friday, June 2nd!!