• December newsletter

    On the principle that it’s better late than never…

    the December Newsletter can be viewed here.

  • Friday Dec. 10th

    The Leadership Club will be awarding house points to students and staff dressed in their PJ’s. They will also be planning a few activities at lunch for all students.
    Assembly at 10:45am, Mrs. Constable’s class and all three Kindergarten classes are performing,

  • Family Dance

    Reminder to parents that the Family Dance starts at 6:30pm-8:30pm this evening. Get ready for your children to show off the new moves that they have learned from Angie Pomeroy and her dance residency this week,

  • this week…

    another early dismissal day today… remember buses are running an hour earlier than usual.
    Also recall, Friday is a professional development day…  No School on Friday.